The Three Building Blocks of an MWD System

Measurement While Drilling (MWD) is a useful system for engineers to determine the essential measurements such as borehole inclination and azimuth during the drilling process. These measurements make it much easier for them to make timely drilling decisions and understand the conditions at hand. MWD uses magnetometers, gyroscopes, and accelerometers to provide real-time measurements as the drilling is being done. It’s especially useful when the inclination exceeds 60 degrees, and traditional logging tools can’t be used. To understand how MWD works, let’s look at its three building blocks. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) IMU is a common measurement method that uses different sensors to calculate orientation and position. For oil and gas extraction, IMU is an important building block in MWD. Accelerometers and magnetometers are sensors used to calculate the azimuth and inclinations. Once these measurements are taken, MWD begins the transmission process. Telemetry ...