How Does Oil Drilling Work?

Have you ever wondered how oil drilling works ? Well, it sounds like a complex process—and it is too. However, with the help of our experts , you’ll understand the process in no time. From completing the well to the production phase, you’re going to learn a lot from this insightful guide. Keep on reading to learn about how oil drilling works . Drilling the Hole When you think of oil drilling , think of those orange juice commercials where people poked an orange with a straw. This’ll help you envision the process better, and if not, we’re here to tell you anyway. The first step of oil drilling requires drilling a hole through the earth’s surface. This process is carried out with the help of a drilling string. A drilling string can be anywhere between five to fifty inches. After a hole is drilled, a steel pipe is inserted, and the gaps surrounding it are closed using cement. Completing the Well Once a hole is drilled, then comes the step of completing the well. This is also when t...