Why Do MWD Downhole Tools Have an Accelerometer?

Oil and gas extraction plant.


Simply put, an accelerometer is a small tool that can measure the acceleration of an object. It has many applications, including in aviation and space flight, automotive crash tests, underwater exploration, robotics as well as in the oil and gas exploration industry. Learn why MWD downhole tools have an accelerometer.

How Does it Work?

A typical MWD system consists of a downhole tool that has an accelerometer embedded in it. The tool is lowered into the well to measure variables such as azimuth and borehole inclination of the well. The critical data then gets transmitted back to surface processing systems, where they can be analyzed by engineers to determine how best to operate the wells.

Benefits of Accurate Accelerometer

Imagine driving an expensive vehicle like a Lamborghini while you are blindfolded. Sounds silly, right? Drill operators face similar challenges if they don't have the right MWD system with accurate accelerometers. They simply won't be able to optimize and track the path to drill with precision which will result in sidetracking, the process becoming overly complicated, and the company incurring higher costs.

All of these negatives can be avoided if a company uses an MWD system with accurate accelerometers. These systems help optimize production from the well and help to reduce costs and increase efficiency. By monitoring changes in vibration levels during operation, engineers can identify issues occurring with tools or equipment quickly.

It's important to invest in sturdy and robust MWD systems as substandard systems would not be able to accurately measure the variables and will break down from the shocks and vibrations underneath the ground. You need to select one that offers superior shock absorption and has high resistance to soaring temperatures underground.

Oil and gas extraction plant.


Affordable Drilling Solutions

At True Shot LLC, we have a proven track record of helping drill more than 7,000 wells in the country. Our MWD embedded with powerful and accurate accelerometers reduce costs and provides higher accuracy. Our full range of drilling solutions includes MWD, and unmanned MWD, thru-tubing completions services, seismic while drilling (SWD) and logging while drilling (LWD), horizontal directional drilling, mud motor rentals, and inclination on connection servicesReach out to us today by emailing info@trueshotllc.net or calling at 432 296 6366. Follow us on LinkedIn here.


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