When Is Horizontal Directional Drilling a Preferred Option?


Oil and gas extraction plant.

One of the most effective options a drilling contractor has at their disposal is horizontal directional drilling. The method involves drilling in a non-vertical direction to access the underground gas or oil reserves. Learn about the scenarios pushing a growing number of companies toward directional drilling completions.

When They Need to Minimize Their Footprint

Oil and gas companies are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and extract reserves with minimal surface disturbance. A single drilling pad can be utilized to drill multiple wells using horizontal directional drilling.

The rigs can also bore through any tough terrain, such as swamplands, deep rivers, and even artificial barriers, such as runways and highways, without impacting the surface terrain. This helps preserve the region's aesthetics. 

When They Have a Tight Budget

Many companies have a very tight budget and can only afford to hire fewer operators. This is why they prefer directional drilling. The underground drilling means fewer man hours involved in the removal and reburial of the displaced dirt. These companies also save on heavy equipment costs, which ultimately helps boost their profitability. 

When Company Needs to Seal Pressure 

Often, contractors are not able to maintain the formation and hydrostatic pressure, which leads to a loss of well control incident. Subterranean formation fluids such as water, oil, and the gas influx into the wellbore or the environment. This can waste natural resources and escalate the drilling costs substantially. 

It can also harm the environment and the personnel on the ground. To control the damage, horizontal directional drilling is done to intersect it with a relief well. This helps relieve the pressure and seal the underground blowout.

Oil and gas extraction plant.

Select a Reliable Drilling Solutions Provider

On the lookout for reliable drilling solutions? We highly recommend True Shot LLC. The company is based in Odessa, Texas, and has a record of drilling over 7,000 wells across the country.

Their portfolio of Trueshot technologies comprises thru-tubing motors, MWD, and M1 unmanned MWD, extended reach survey tool, horizontal directional drilling, gamma logging, and logging, and True Shot command center services. Thanks to their directional drilling completion, companies are able to maximize the potential of their wells.

Get in touch with them today. Companies can also email them at info@trueshotllc.net.


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