Directional Drilling: What You Need to Know


A drilling machine in a rig

Drilling is an essential procedure for the oil and gas sector. This drilling of a wellbore may continue for several feet underneath the ground, often in all kinds of directions, to support other wells within one setup. To carry out the process, the production sector uses directional drilling completion using precise equipment-line and heavy machinery.

Directional Drilling – What is it?

Directional drilling refers to any boring that doesn't go downward in a straight line. Directional drilling is a part of every boring sector, even those requiring a vertical wellbore. Engineers occasionally have to steer past sediments or clogged pipes and remains from a previously conducted setup. This is when the operator utilizes directional drilling.

There are several kinds of downhole tools used to complete this process. Typically, a pipe, a string, and drilling equipment are passed down the wellbore in a straight line in an oil and gas rig. To ensure minimum carbon footprint for a sustainable environment, engineers are now using several directional changes within a contemporary blueprint of the drilling bore.

Directional Drilling – Why is it Valuable?

With directional drilling, several wellbores can be driven from one kick-off point, reducing exposures and adverse environmental impact. Furthermore, these boreholes can start from depths of up to a mile on shallow angles and reach up to five miles down.

Rigs have costs and expenses that may cross thousands of dollars daily. With directional drilling, one rig operating up to ten or fifteen square miles is more cost-effective than several straight line rigs connecting to the same deposit.

Components of Directional Drilling

Certain tools aid the directional drilling procedure to minimize time and increase productivity.

  • The extended reach survey tool helps identify the face of the drilling head and the sequence of the drilling sensors inside the borehole.
  • Survey on connection helps in the live transmission of reports regarding the drilling process.
  • Gamma logging helps determine the presence of sediments that may interrupt the drilling process.
  • MWD, SWD, and LWD constantly aid the process to minimize waiting time and manage the drilling trajectory in the depths of the well.

Drilling machinery of a port by the water

True Shot LLC is a renowned name for direction drilling completions across the United States. They've managed to dig over 7000 feet for several clients across the country, using state-of-art technology and equipment.

Their original M1 Unmanned MWD is a one of its kind downhole tool for precise and accurate directional drilling.

Learn more about their drilling services by contacting their professionals today.


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